The Wellness Co.
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Dyan Perry

Health & Wellness Professional


Background & Experience




I began practicing yoga at home in 2008, after receiving an instructional DVD lead by Elena Brower. I continued to regularly practice yoga at home, as well as in studio settings, which has deepened my practice over the years.

In July 2016, I participated for the first time in the Lolë White Tour in Toronto. It was a magical experience! I did not realize until I had arrived, that the event was lead by Elena Brower - The woman whose DVD started my yoga journey so many years prior! I still get goosebumps when I think back on how serendipitous that was to have happened. And the beautiful, unexplainable feeling I experienced in my FIRST EVER "Om" ॐ, when the thousands of participants came together and I could feel the vibrations on my skin; it really moved me. It was in that moment that I knew my purpose. I needed to share this feeling with others! This event is now something I participate in annually, and cannot recommend it highly enough!


It may sound cliché, but yoga and meditation saved my life. For many years, I battled with gut health problems including being wrongfully diagnosed with an ulcer in post-secondary school. Doctors put me on daily prescriptions for 7 years; only making me sicker and destroying my natural gut flora. On top of that, I have always struggled with stress and anxiety to the point where it manifested in physical symptoms. I was only in my early twenties, and my quality of life was declining. I was regularly missing work and social events, plus every doctor I saw only suggested a different pill to suppress the symptoms. Something had to give. So, after being fed up with doctors repeatedly telling me there was nothing different they could tell me, nor a different way they could help me, I saw an amazing Naturopath who helped me discover that I had Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) and that I was Lactose Intolerant. Plus, she recommended I practice meditation everyday for my stress and anxiety, and it has made a huge, positive impact on my life.

After discontinuing prescription meds, being led through the Elimination Diet, introducing nutritional supplementation, implementing meal planning, and practicing daily yoga and meditation, I am happier, healthier and FULL of gratitude for getting my life back. #Blessed.


In July 2017, I successfully achieved my dream of becoming a certified yoga teacher (RYT-200 with Yoga Alliance) through YogaTree. In November 2017, I completed my certification for teaching Postnatal (and Mom & Baby) yoga with Toronto Yoga Mamas, and in May 2018, I completed my training for Prenatal Yoga Teacher certification with Blooma at Toronto Yoga Mamas.


I was born and raised on a hundred-acre produce farm in mid-western Ontario; called "Perry's Pumpkin Patch". My earliest childhood memories are of me sneaking out of bed early in the morning to pick berries in the field, or collect fresh eggs from the chicken coop. My family farm sold our produce to the local grocery stores and even to Toronto's Food Terminal and St. Lawrence Market (the market that I now frequent every Saturday morning to purchase a majority of my seasonal, organic and local produce - It's funny how life works!). 


As a young girl, I used to watch my father cook fresh stir-fries from the veggies grown in our fields, make breakfast with the eggs from our free-range chickens, ducks and geese, and watch my mom make homemade baby food for my brothers, can her homemade pickled-beans, and prep carrots, peas and more to freeze for the winter months. At a very young age a few of my favourite foods included spinach and brussels sprouts, both which remain favourites til this day. As I look back now, I feel very privileged to have had that kind of intro to healthy food options and to establish an appreciation for locally-grown.


But once I was responsible for making my own lunches as an adolescent, it was "easier" to buy fries from the cafeteria, or a burger for dinner during my after-school job at the mall. It wasn't until post-secondary school that I realized I had to make a change, because the typical "college food diet" was making me breakout, feel sluggish and have chronic acid reflux.

Over the years I have grown to really enjoy cooking, but I particularly enjoy meal planning! In today's fast paced world, there's never enough time in the day to do everything that needs to get done and preparing a healthy meal for yourself has become almost an inconvenience. But with obesity being the "majority" for North Americans (and more and more food options coming packaged, pre-cooked and chalked full of  preservatives, artificial colours and additives, among other questionable "ingredients" and/or methods), I hope to see more people making the conscious decision to invest in their health, where their food is coming from, how it is prepared and be inspired to cook their own food with local fresh ingredients. Not to mention, for urban-dwellers the increasing amounts of fast-food delivery companies growing everyday! Our relationship status with food is officially listed as "It's complicated". But it doesn't have to be, I promise! Because of the amazing changes I have seen in my own health due to being more informed about nutrition and healthy eating, I have been inspired to share this with others. I am excited to share that I am currently working towards becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and growing my skills as an urban, square-foot veggie gardener.

With the areas of my life, in yoga and nutrition, coming together; as well being the Lifestyle & Digital Editor of healthy living now for the last four years - Wellness has become more than a practice for me, it has become a passion. A passion that I cannot wait to share with you and assist you in your own wellness journey!


- Dyan perry, FOUNDER OF The wellness co.


Yoga Alliance® Certified Yoga Instructor, RYT 200

*Completed 280 hours total


Meditation & Pranayama Practitioner

Meditation & Pranayama Practitioner

Certified Culinary Coach

Certified Culinary Coach

Certified Postnatal Yoga InstructorBlooma™ Certified Prenatal Yoga InstructorYoga Alliance® Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor - IN TRAINING

Certified Postnatal Yoga Instructor

Blooma™ Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor

Yoga Alliance® Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor - IN TRAINING

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ - IN TRAINING

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ - IN TRAINING



OPPORTUNITIEs for brands to work with me

If you are a health or wellness brand with an ambassador program, which you would be interested in having me be part of

OR if you are looking to collaborate on sponsorship/partnership opportunities, please contact me to discuss further!